
Plug in MCCB

Plug in MCCB Plug-in mounting block simplify the installation and removal of Meta-MEC circuit breakers without exposure to live parts.•Easy replacement and maintenance •Meta-MEC
  • หมวดหมู่ : เบรคเกอร์
  • รหัสสินค้า : 000156

รายละเอียดสินค้า Plug in MCCB

Plug in MCCB
Plug-in mounting block simplify the installation and removal of Meta-MEC circuit breakers without exposure to live parts.

•Easy replacement and maintenance
•Meta-MEC MCCB 30~800AF all series can be applied.
•Mounting type : Standard, single & double lines arrangement for distribution board, exclusive connection for power line
•Terminal for accessory AL, AX, SHT, UVT etc.
•Securing high reliability through tulip connection way
•Approved by marine classification authorities